Farewell Kurt Vonnegut
How do we say farewell to such a lovely/lively character of this generation? I love this photo sent around today (thanks to Shannon O'Tudi for turning me on to this one!)
It seems now that he joins the ranks of Hunter S. Thompson - I can only imagine the hell they will be raising together from the "other side" - wherever that is!
I found this today too - Vonnegut's last book( in 2005) was a collection of biographical essays, "A Man Without a Country."
In concludes with a poem called "Requiem," with these closing lines:
When the last living thing
has died on account of us,
how poetical it would be
if Earth could say,
in a voice floating up
from the floor
of the Grand Canyon,
"It is done."
People did not like it here.
** Farewell Mr. Vonnegut**